More Cabalettas for you!!!!

More cabalettas for you, and here, in correct order, are
the artists involved:

Merritt, Gedda, Bonisolli, Araiza, Hadley, G.Raimondi,
Carreras, Martinucci, Bergonzi, Cerquetti, Chiara,  L.Price,
Ricciarelli, Cruz-Romo, Deutekom, Galvany, MacNeil,
Ramey, Verrett.

                                 (72 minutes)

Direct download: 2007-05-27-12-56-08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:16pm EDT

Those Cetra-Soria Stars!

My affectionate tribute to the many fine artists from the
Cetra-Soria label. Included are such artists as:

Caterina Mancini, Rosanna Carteri (in photo), Cesy Broggini,
Giuseppe Taddei, Carlo Tagliabue, Maria Caniglia,
Galliano Masini, Tancredi Pasero, Adriana Guerrini,
Giacomo Lauri-Volpi, Carlos Guichandut, Jose Soler, 
Renata Tebaldi, Giulietta Simionato, Mario Filippeschi.
Amedeo Berdini, Gianni Poggi, Giacinto Prandelli

                             (57 minutes)

Direct download: 2007-05-26-19-49-45.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:04pm EDT

The Filippo/Inquisitor Scene from Don Carlo

 Seven versions of the exciting scene in Don Carlo between
 Filippo II and the Grand Inquisitor:


                                  (73 minutes)

Direct download: 2007-05-25-23-24-26.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:51pm EDT

The "Te deum" from Tosca

Seventeen baritones sing the Tosca Te Deum:

Merrill, Warren, L.Quilico, Vinay, Gobbi, Bastianini,
Schoeffler, Hann,Tibbett,Stracciari,Granforte,London
Weede, G.Guelfi, MacNeil, Silveri, Taddei

                              (75 minutes)  

Direct download: 2007-05-19-14-15-37.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

Those "mean" mezzos!

A compilation of arias and scenes as sung by famous mezzos
in roles that might be considered "mean." The "meanness"
does vary somewhat from totally horrid (Klytaemnestra) to
more "severity" (Augusta Tabor). Here they are:

Regina Resnik, Hanna Schwarz, Margarete Klose, Ebe Stignani,
Elena Obratsova, Rise Stevens, Fiorenza Cossotto, Frances Bible,
Astrid Varnay.             


(61 mintues)


If you see a sick comment from a sick person named Adolf, do not worry.I delete these comments immediately. I must be doing something right!

Direct download: 2007-05-16-13-37-53.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:55pm EDT

Favorite Commercial Recordings (2)

The second volume of some of my favorite commercial

Eileen Farrell (pictured), Jussi Bjoerling, Robert Merrill,
Lotte Lehmann, Claudia Muzio, Gottlob Frick, Ruby Helder,
Riccardo Stracciari, Christa Ludwig, Walter Berry,
Clara Butt, Enrico Caruso, Janet Baker, Herman Prey

                               (72 minutes)

Direct download: 2007-05-08-12-17-34.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:36pm EDT

Favorite Commercial Opera recordings (1)

A Collection of  commercial recordings that are among my
personal favorites. Artists included are:

Sumi Jo (pictured), Zinka Milanov, John McCormack,
Beniamino Gigli, Claudia Novikova, Enrico Caruso,
Janet Baker, Dorothy Kirsten, Robert Merrill, Virginia Zeani,
Luisa Tetrazzini, Giusepe Anselmi, Ebe Stignani,
Cesare Siepi, Eleanor Steber, Pavel Lisitsian,
Mafalda Favero, Vassilka Petrova (I think)

                                     (84 minutes)


Direct download: 2007-05-07-16-42-29.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:06pm EDT


A Compilation of 16 Violettas all singing the scene that ends
the Gambling Scene of "La Traviata." Included are:

Callas,Tebaldi, Fleming, Stoyanova, Schymberg, Cotrubas,
Radvanovsky,De Los Angeles, Soviero, Galvany, Scotto,
Carteri, Zeani, Sayao, Guerrini, Albanese

                                 (77 minutes)


Direct download: 2007-05-06-19-34-32.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

Ponto 50!

The excellent Ponto company has released their 4 CD set of many
interesting excerpts. (Number 50 in their catalogue.).These are live
scenes featuring many fine artists as follows:

Trovatore:  Renata Scotto,Louis Quilico
The Medium:  Regine Crespin
Semele: Beverly Sills
Jenufa: Gre Brouwenstijn and Frans Vroons
Salome: Lili Djanel and Tito Gobbi
Otello: Joan Sutherland and Angelo Marenzi
Manon Lescaut:  Leontyne Price
Eugen Onegin:    Margaret Price
Forza:       Julia Varady
Don Giovanni: Frank Sinatra and Kathryn Grayson (Don't ask!
  (74 minutes)


Direct download: 2007-05-06-02-00-39.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:21am EDT


More Great Music

May 2007
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