On Cornell MacNeil's

birthday, 9/24/22,let us

remember how we went


Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EDT

On Angela's birthday

(9/7/65) I post when

she met my darling Virginia.

They are very close!!!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm EDT

For YEARS I have heard in

my ear Daniele Barioni

in the Butterfly section

at 29:40,where that middle

voice rivals Carreras,Gigli,

Di Stefano,Schmidt. Also

my adored Stella is the


Category:general -- posted at: 11:28am EDT

There are FIVE tenors

in my life whom I saw live

which I adored:Corelli,

Del Monaco;Tucker;Bergonzi

AND Daniele Barioni...such

a gorgeous voice..sometimes

pushed, but love the voice.

Of course, I do not want to

forget Beczala,Gedda,etc..but

I wanted to list five.

Category:general -- posted at: 11:19am EDT

Pardon me...The post on opera

pirate craziness came out 2 times

by accident..and I have to

learn how to edit better.will do.

Hope you enjoyed it....

https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk004mBsAWECrB3UuI8f6aJ2sm61fnQ:1604156109463&q=zinka+milanov+rare+footage&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj4_8WYi9_sAhXJUt8KHdXuCfkQ1QIoAXoECCsQAg&biw=941&bih=626 FACT...Not opinion...... Anyone who cannot hear her greatness (even at 57) is DEAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 11:01am EDT


I Pirati..but not Bellini
I must tell you some tales of how crazy tape-pirates suffered and strained and might have gone to Alcatraz. You may know some stories..but they are TRUE...and often hilarious..Ok..Here goes..I am in a good mood since Cole struck out 15 Angels.
1. After meeting the great Soviero, I bought a Phallic microphone and so she was able to hear herself LIVE at City Opera.
2. Speaking of "Phallic," a friend was taping in Philadelphia opera from the orchestra..with the mike in his lap,pointing UP..Suddenly,the lady next to him did a "double take," thinking for a moment he was..... (No..he was not a standee).
3. Someone hung a mike on a wire down from a balcony!!!! Someone else pressed the wrong button on the machine (open reel then) for act 2..but got the end of act one..LOUD!
4. I had trouble at Olivero's Met debut,finding an empty bathroom stall..everyone was changing reels....Also, Carnegie finally clamped down on the Queler p[irates and one guy came out of the stall and his machine was confiscated!!!!!
5. Caballe knew her friends were taping..She got to the encores at a recital..and waited till then turned over the cassette. A friend, Bob Fazio, who used to make fun of German, until her married ONE...started to turn over a cassette at a pause in the Sacred silent Fischer-Dieskau Recital (YOU VILLL nicht breathe!!!!) and some people (from the Producers??) looked at him as if he vas Churchill!!!!!
6. I was late a few seconds for Act 3 of a Rigoletto(Pavarotti,Sutherland,Milnes) and you hear for a few seconds my word........well...it was really annoying to tape live...you had to concentrate on the dials, the mike not being seen (black thin cloth over it), not being reported (one lady did it once to me in a Mefistofele..but I then turned it back on.)
7. At a recent Netrebko Carnegie recital..I SWEAR a Russian lady,connected to MOSCOW, hld up her cell phone....!!!!!
8. Speaking of being nuts to tape...the Quler pirates made sure they sat in the front center of Carnegie to get the best sound for their future LP's of the Queler Performances. One night a trickster, during an intermission, HID one guy's machine..also another guy yelled from the balcony..Hey, Did you get a good tape!
9. One man became a MUMMY for a Carnegie Recital and placed mikes in between his two armpits (STEREO).. No breathing....
10. They once rigged up a machine in the car in the garage next to Carnegie with wireless capabilities to the person's Carnegie machine...but on the tape..you hear.."Hey, Joe...where should we park it?)
As Anna Russell said, "I'm not making this up, you know!!!!!!!
Who tapes now??No Zinka..no Baum...and even though you can tape VIDEO.....so much is on Youtube...you just have to relax and enjoy the opera,withoput worrying you will end up like Al Capone.
I thought of two more:
So as not to loose music,the trick was to quickly,at the end of a reel, put the empty one in your TEETH and hold the other and turn....BUT one night at Carnegie...it slipped out of a guy's mouth..and the reel went up the aisle..bump...bump...bump...
By the way,,,,every single singer LOVED Pirates..maybe a rumor of one or two objecting...but Rosen spread Carreras..I spread Soviero and Galvany...but i nevr got a PENNY from those cheapies.
One little tidbit..It may have nothing to do with taping....
Above Armen Boyajian's Manhattan opera apartment and studio, one of the pirates was murdered by his boyfriend....
Gee..maybe they should have put out some live tape of
"La Morte di La Pirata" decomposed by Giuseppe Finocchio.

I Pirati..but not Bellini I must tell you some tales of how crazy tape-pirates suffered and strained and might have gone to Alcatraz. You may know some stories..but they are TRUE...and often hilarious..Ok..Here goes..I am in a good mood since Cole struck out 15 Angels. 1. After meeting the great Soviero, I bought a Phallic microphone and so she was able to hear herself LIVE at City Opera. 2. Speaking of "Phallic," a friend was taping in Philadelphia opera from the orchestra..with the mike in his lap,pointing UP..Suddenly,the lady next to him did a "double take," thinking for a moment he was..... (No..he was not a standee). 3. Someone hung a mike on a wire down from a balcony!!!! Someone else pressed the wrong button on the machine (open reel then) for act 2..but got the end of act one..LOUD! 4. I had trouble at Olivero's Met debut,finding an empty bathroom stall..everyone was changing reels....Also, Carnegie finally clamped down on the Queler p[irates and one guy came out of the stall and his machine was confiscated!!!!! 5. Caballe knew her friends were taping..She got to the encores at a recital..and waited till then turned over the cassette. A friend, Bob Fazio, who used to make fun of German, until her married ONE...started to turn over a cassette at a pause in the Sacred silent Fischer-Dieskau Recital (YOU VILLL nicht breathe!!!!) and some people (from the Producers??) looked at him as if he vas Churchill!!!!! 6. I was late a few seconds for Act 3 of a Rigoletto(Pavarotti,Sutherland,Milnes) and you hear for a few seconds my word........well...it was really annoying to tape live...you had to concentrate on the dials, the mike not being seen (black thin cloth over it), not being reported (one lady did it once to me in a Mefistofele..but I then turned it back on.) 7. At a recent Netrebko Carnegie recital..I SWEAR a Russian lady,connected to MOSCOW, hld up her cell phone....!!!!! 8. Speaking of being nuts to tape...the Quler pirates made sure they sat in the front center of Carnegie to get the best sound for their future LP's of the Queler Performances. One night a trickster, during an intermission, HID one guy's machine..also another guy yelled from the balcony..Hey, Did you get a good tape! 9. One man became a MUMMY for a Carnegie Recital and placed mikes in between his two armpits (STEREO).. No breathing.... 10. They once rigged up a machine in the car in the garage next to Carnegie with wireless capabilities to the person's Carnegie machine...but on the tape..you hear.."Hey, Joe...where should we park it?) As Anna Russell said, "I'm not making this up, you know!!!!!!! Who tapes now??No Zinka..no Baum...and even though you can tape VIDEO.....so much is on Youtube...you just have to relax and enjoy the opera,withoput worrying you will end up like Al Capone. I thought of two more: So as not to loose music,the trick was to quickly,at the end of a reel, put the empty one in your TEETH and hold the other and turn....BUT one night at Carnegie...it slipped out of a guy's mouth..and the reel went up the aisle..bump...bump...bump... By the way,,,,every single singer LOVED Pirates..maybe a rumor of one or two objecting...but Rosen spread Carreras..I spread Soviero and Galvany...but i nevr got a PENNY from those cheapies. One little tidbit..It may have nothing to do with taping.... Above Armen Boyajian's Manhattan opera apartment and studio, one of the pirates was murdered by his boyfriend.... Gee..maybe they should have put out some live tape of "La Morte di La Pirata" decomposed by Giuseppe Finocchio.

Category:general -- posted at: 12:02am EDT


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