Dear buddies and buddiettes,

    I wish to review the SF Lucrezia Borgia broadcast, although as I have said a few times (??),it was on RADIO,not in my physical presence. The most telling element was that I made three marvelous discoveries in one show, Vitalij Kowaljow,Michael Fabiano, and Elizabeth DeShong.
     Fabiano,who appeared in the telecast called "The Audition," has a gorgeous lyric tenor voice. His style reminds me of Alfredo Kraus, but with a more glowing tone. I look forward to his Cassio, and hopefully a lot more. His Gennaro (here comes the pun) was not "generic" as many singers today seem to be.
    Elizabeth DeShong, in the lower register (my favorite area of the female voice), reminded me of a kind of  a lyric "Clara Butt" or maybe a lyric Obratsova. The voice is so exciting, and she gets up to high C easily.
     Vitalij Kowaljow was the STAR, as far as I believe; his is a gorgeous bass-baritone voice, and I also liked the decorations in the repeat of the Act One cabaletta. (unlike Chaliapin, who sings the most eccentric descending phrases imaginable in "La mia vendetta."), Did he not appear as Wotan in the Kirov visit?
       Renee has always posed an enigma for me; in music with "quiet orchestration" as in Arabella act one or Traviata act two, the lady is sublime. Today,had I been there as i was at Carnegie several years ago for Borgia, I would not have been as impressed, since her voice lacks enough squillo to rise over an orchestra. On the broadcast she was thrilling, and at least there is ONE diva around today who is not afraid to sound like Lina Bruna Rasa in the low register.(well,sort of.). Although she avoided taking a high E flat in the final cabaletta, she sang beautifully and with her usual enthusiasm. I only  wish she was more than a "radio voice" in the Met.
        I hope to hear more of my three "discoveries' real soon. I feel warm and fuzzy when I realize that there are still some fine artists with us who can excite jaded old me.                     
                                                               Lovingly,   Charlie

Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EDT

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