Thu, 5 July 2018
and they wonder why I complain today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- posted at: 6:52pm EST
Thu, 5 July 2018
How many divas did pop like this????? Fleming is a joke (Under the rainbow)
-- posted at: 6:50pm EST
Thu, 5 July 2018
7/6/10 Kirsten was about 7 yrs.OLDER when she retired. She did POP better than any diva!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- posted at: 6:47pm EST
Wed, 4 July 2018
They finally got rid of that HORRRRRID Met Traviata.Here is a rehearsal of the new one. Grazie a Dio…..
-- posted at: 10:51pm EST
Wed, 4 July 2018
Just discovered her.....I have to find that Dramamine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- posted at: 10:36pm EST