Mon, 7 August 2017
Great cast!! (well,almost!) Milanov,Baebieri,Siepi,Warren. They had to Baum, but that's life!!!!! DelMonaco did other shows, but this is what did occur at times.
Mon, 7 August 2017
I decided this morning to trace the stats for a given time period. In only three hours, I observe,for example that there were 40 "hits" in this time period. I guess you have not deserted me (like in that opera in the desert where the soprano sings, "Sola,perduta,e abbandonata."). I thank you for years of support,despite some glitches (and the flu). Please send me personally any comments (, as I cannot open the comments page here, or I will get all sorts of ads. We are up to over a million and a half "hits." Keep listening!!! Lovingly Charlie
-- posted at: 10:10am EDT
Mon, 7 August 2017
I totally disagree with Placido singing baritone. He has an amazing amount of voice at 75, and he was also born on a famous day,Jan.21 (like me, but I sang the right stuff.) Some of you will disagree,but I feel he does not do proper justice to the Verdi line. BUT here he shows what a great singer he has been.
-- posted at: 8:19am EDT
Mon, 7 August 2017
So there we were in the first row at Carnegie and just before Tebaldi launched into this aria, she looked down and winked at us! We were sure she sang just for US!!!!!
-- posted at: 8:08am EDT
Mon, 7 August 2017
Absolutely RIVETED by the Amfortas of Ryan McKinny. I have seen the best, as you well know:London,Uhde,Schoeffler,etc. This artist is a true STAR!!!
-- posted at: 7:46am EDT
Sun, 6 August 2017
I do not believe that there has ever been any soprano with the combination of gorgeous voice quality and Wagnerian volume.. When she sang "Pace" at the Met in a concert with Bastianini and Del Monaco, I thought the roof would come down on the "Maledizione." I so miss our yearly birthday (Feb.1) phone calls. NO artist was as sweet and dear to us in our youth..and funny!
-- posted at: 10:19pm EDT