One of the most riveting scenes in opera.

  It makes one cry!!!!!!! I met Silja once

and asked her for the Makropolous formula

so I could live 356 years so I could

listen to my collection. She must have thought I was nuts!! (I was!)

Category:general -- posted at: 2:11pm EDT

  Dear sweet funny Rolando had to

 see many doctors until he found

what was causing the vocal problems.

  I miss him..such fun we had with him.

After his Traviata debut we all walked

down Broadway and he was so excited

he almost hit his head on the glass

bus stop..I SAVED HIM!

Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EDT

  Sorry! My fonts were too big and some text is cut.I will be careful in the future.


I love singing the end of act two of my favorite opera and the video is of a show we did.I was the King (on left) BUT until I saw the tape, I did not realize that the great Sue Hassel thought she was Callas. How did I get involved in this mess?

Sue supposedly vocalizes on the NY Ed Koch bridge,walking home..This accounts for all the recent accidents!!!!

How do these people think they can sing??????????????


Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EDT

A marvelous compilation of the Aida E flat, made famous first by Callas.

Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm EDT

I recall meeting Sondra long before she became one of our present great singers. You must be there is person to hear the incredible resonance of the voice, where she sounds as if she is singing in your ear!

 I want more chest voice from her, but in one opera I recall she sang more lows, and wrote on the program, "How did you like the chest,Charlie??"

Category:general -- posted at: 3:39am EDT

Thinking of how  our 1971 Bolena rehearsal introduced us to a guy named Sam Ramey and how I looked down Marisa Galvany's throat when she hit those high notes.

  Now I see two people I know, Steven Costello and Sondra Radvanovsky in Bolena rehearsal...They seem to have fun, as we did back then.


Category:general -- posted at: 3:32am EDT

Great mezzo Margarete Klose was born on 8/6/1899. Together with my favorite mezzo,Ebe Stignani, I am thrilled by the richness of her voice.

Category:general -- posted at: 3:14am EDT


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