Wed, 28 August 2013
Tucker and Tebaldi make you THRILL like nothing imaginable today!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- posted at: 1:19pm EDT
Wed, 28 August 2013
Material from Massenet's "Herodiade" as sung by many famous artists, and some lesser-known but quite fine. I have divided this into three sections and here is the order of each section as to artists.The selections are announced, as you hear. 1. Ninon Vallin, Germaine Cernay, Geori-Boue and Jose Luccioni, Charles Cambon, Maryse Beaujon 2. Cambon, Cesar Vezzani, Vezzani and Jeanne Guyla, Emma Calve, Edouard Rouard,Fernand Ansseau. 3. Paul Lanteri, Lise Charny, Leon Campagnola, Vallin, Mattia Battistini. (67 min.) |