Maria Muller Sings

A compilation (announced) of material as sung by the radiant Maria Muller. This indeed is a superb voice, and I know you will enjoy her art.  (71 min.)

Direct download: Maria_Muller.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:04pm EDT

Il Trovatore from Naples, 1951

A rather "unsubtle" but exciting Naples 1951 Trovatore, conducted by Tullio Serafin, with Maria Callas in her prime, Paolo Silveri, Cloe Elmo, and an aging Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (I think the Pira is booed). This is the kind of show we never experience today;it has its flaws, but it is really mostly quite exciting.  (72 min.)

Direct download: Callas_1951_Trov..mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:01pm EDT

Licia's Met Farewell

 The most beloved Licia Albanese in her Met farewell as Manon Lescaut. At this writing, Licia is over 100, and one of the most loved opera artists in our time. Richard Tucker and Mario Sereni complete the cast. This is a 1966 performance under Kurt Adler.   (71 min.)

Direct download: Lescaut_Licia_3.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:45am EDT

  Leonie does not care if it is concert..she still lets out her famous GESCHREI!!!!! She will never ever be replaced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am EDT


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