Sat, 4 August 2012
The sound track of the 1969 Hamburg Elektra film under Leopold Ludwig, featuring Gladys Kuchta, Regina Resnik, Ingrid Bjoerner, and Hans Sotin. This is followed by the Elektra/Klytaemnestra scene with Martha Moedl and inge Borkh from Rome 1965, under Antal Dorati (71 min.) |
Fri, 3 August 2012
You know how much stuff I have laying around, including about 2000 VHS tapes.(Mostly opera). If anyone wishes to receive my free VHS catalogues, let me know at and include name and address. I would say $ 3.00 each, but you must be able to pick them up by car or bring a heavy diva to carry them, and you probably would be living in or near New York City. What a shame these things are just vegetating, but that's technology!!!
-- posted at: 10:40pm EDT