Diana Soviero Award

Founded in 1969 by the internationally celebrated voice specialist Wilbur James Gould, M.D., The Voice Foundation is the world’s oldest and leading organization dedicated to voice medicine, science and education. Since 1972, The Voice Foundation has sponsored an annual, internationalSymposium: Care of the Professional Voice. These meetings are attended by hundreds of medical and scientific experts, speech-language pathologists, performing artists and teachers from all over the world. As part of the conference at this year’s Voices of Summer Gala Concert and Banquet,Ms. Diana Soviero was named a 2011 Voice Education Research Award Winner. This award is presented annually by the Voice Foundation to honor individuals selected for unusual interest in and contribution to the field of voice communication. Past award recipients include: Dame Julie Andrews, Jack Klugman, Teddy Pendergrass, Anthony Quinn, Dan Rather, James Earl Jones, Pattie Lupone, Anna Moffo Sarnoff, and Dr. Nancy Snyderman, among many others.

No one deserves it more than my darling Diana.

Category:general -- posted at: 10:18am EDT

HAPPY 98th to Dear Rise Stevens

  I wish to pay special tribute to dear Rise Stevens on her 98th birthday (June 11,2011). She was the first artist I ever met and we spent lovely times each year at the Rise Stevens Music Club at her apartment in New York. She inspired so many in her long life and I will never forget her.

   The selections are all announced  (71 minutes)

Direct download: Rise_98.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:03pm EDT


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