New Years Resolutions for Opera Characters:

Salome-           Ich vill nicht shtripen

Wotan-    I will finally use birth control because I do not want any more noisy daughters. (Besides, I can't pronounce their names.)

Iago:    I will act like a cutesy little Teddy Bear.

Tristan-     I respect older people in the theatre with bladder problems so I will take only 10 minutes to die.

Violetta-    I will only take the E  flat in Sempre Libera if They triple my salary.

Andrea Chenier    I will be calmer lest I lose my head.

Amfortas-    I will stop being such a big baby and stop kvetching

Tosca-      The next time I will NOT hit the trampolin.

Witch in Hansel and Gretel     I will go on a total vegetarian diet

Lucia    I will stop imitating that Australian girl and clean up my diction.

De Grieux    The next dude who calls my girlfriend a hooker has to deal with me!

Falstaff    OK, I will cut down on 10 pizzas a day to only 9.

Elsa        I will mind my own business and stop asking people for their name.

OK...add more.............................Charlie (not even drunk)

Category:general -- posted at: 5:58pm EDT

As we look back on 2014, we must remember with affection so many celebrities who gave the world so much.

 Magda made it to age 104. She is a "baby" here at 83 in 1993.  Who else could achieve this????? Bless her memory forever. Riposa in Pace.



Category:general -- posted at: 7:38pm EDT

Vet or Met???
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EDT


Love and best wishes to you all!! You make my life a pleasure and a treasure!!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EDT

Giordani, said to me once...., "I know Piotr is your favorite tenor...I love him too....." I did not respond..although Piotr,who was born Dec.28,1966, IS the best thing to come along in many years...Not the size or a lot of squillo..but beauty,style,elegance..No wonder his fav.tenors are Gedda and Wunderlich.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He's the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlie

Category:general -- posted at: 12:45pm EDT

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin

Category:general -- posted at: 12:39pm EDT

Do you now realize why I was almost NEVER home as a new opera lover?

 This is Zinka at her greatest..Note the "ferma" offstage and coming onstage..and the section that follows is for my sensational!!!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 9:22pm EDT

Amazing lady....a bit "eccentric" vocalism,but still a legend and still performing. Dec.23, 1946 birthday.

  I LOVE the "scooooops" into the high notes!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 9:17pm EDT

May all of you have a wonderful Holiday wherever you are!!!!!!!!!

Tauber is such a great guy!!!!!!


               Love,   Charlie

Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EDT

Happy Holidays

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!!!!!!!

                      Charlie Handelmaniac

Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EDT

More Great Music

April 2014
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