Now LOOK!  I know you sort of like me, but PLEASE do not stop belonging to this site, just because I wanted to show you something of what we saw at the La Puma Opera Company when we thought opera was serious.

    Note how the tenor sings all of his high vowels on "III" ("Tosca' becomes "TEEEEESCA" in the aria. Also, how unkind of the guy taping to keep laughing..I NEVER laughed at La Puma....I held it in until I ran hysterical out of the place nd almost had a serious accident....

     I wonder if,in your city, you have anything like this..but please be KIND to these people who just wanted to perform. OH!!I wish we had them around today. There a few decent singers (the Scarpia) but essentially it was a RIOT!!!

Category:general -- posted at: 5:25pm EDT

  Continuing my 90th birthday Regina Resnik tribute, here is a role that she performed in  such a way that the audience was absolutely riveted.(It did not hurt to have Nilsson and Rysanek in the show.) Her famous scary laughter is not heard in the film as it was at the Met. This is the film with Gladys Kuchta.

Category:general -- posted at: 11:29pm EDT


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